HUT SHAPE WOODEN LED CLOCK WITH TEMPERATURE AND SOUND SENSOR | DUAL POWER (BATTERY / USB) Premium USB clock made of actual wood! Power saving mode. Touch and sound sensitive.Built-in time memory to keep time setting intact when not in use..
The finest dates of Saudi ArabiaKalmi dates are most known for their use during auspicious days.They are high in fiber & high in antioxidants. Pack contains: 400g Mindful Essentials ..
ITEMS INCLUDED IN THE PACKAGE:1 Game board4 Player Tokens with 6 goal compartments.24 goal pegs (4 in each of the 6 colours)4 goal dice240 Goal action cards (60 in each colour) Product description:Lakshya, the goal setting game hopes to change all of that, It can be played by people of all ages..